
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

A. Journal Papers

(A1) Y. Chen* and W. Respondek (2021), Geometric analysis of differential-algebraic equations via linear control theory, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59, pp. 103-130. [PDF]

(A2) Y. Chen* and W. Respondek (2021), From Morse triangular form of ODE control systems to feedback canonical form of DAE control systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute. [PDF]

(A3) Y. Chen*, S. Trenn and W. Respondek (2021), Normal forms and internal regularization of nonlinear differential-algebraic control systems., International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (Top download article). [PDF]

(A4) Y. Chen* (2022), Feedback linearization of nonlinear differential-algebraic control systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. [PDF]

(A5) Y. Chen* and W. Respondek (2022), Geometric analysis of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations via nonlinear control theory, Journal of Differential Equations. [PDF]

(A6) Y. Chen* and S. Trenn (2022), Impulse-free jump solutions of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. [PDF]

(A7) Y. Chen* and S. Trenn (2023), On impulse-free solutions and stability of switched nonlinear differential-algebraic equations, Automatica (Regular Paper). [PDF]

(A8) Y. Chen* , M. Ghanes and J-P. Barbot (2023), Strong left-invertibility and strong input-observability of nonlinear time-delay systems, IEEE Control Systems Letters. [PDF]

(A9) Y. Chen* , M. Ghanes and J-P. Barbot (2023), Implicit function theorem for nonlinear time-delay systems with algebraic constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. [PDF]

(A10) G. Zhang, J. Jia*, J. Jiao and Y. Chen (2023), Strong Structural Controllability Analysis of Structured Networks with Identical Nodes, in review at IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. [PDF]

B. Conference Papers

(B1) Y. Chen* and S. Trenn (2021), An approximation for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations via singular perturbation theory, IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems. [PDF]

(B2) Y. Chen* and S. Trenn (2021), The differentiation index of nonlinear differential‐algebraic equations versus the relative degree of nonlinear control systems, PAMM, 20(1), e202000162. [PDF]

(B3) Y. Chen* S. Trenn (2021), On geometric and differentiation index of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations, 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2020) [PDF]

(B4) Y. Chen* and W. Respondek (2019), Internal and External Linearization of Semi-Explicit Differential Algebraic Equations, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 16, 2019, Pages 292-297,. [PDF]

(B5) J. Dong, Y. Chen, G.H. Yang (2014), Reliable fuzzy stabilization against sensor faults., *2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control (ICMC), pp. 2059-2062. IEEE. [PDF]

(B6) Y. Chen* S. Trenn (2022), Stability analysis of switched nonlinear differential-algebraic equationsvia nonlinear Weierstrass form, European Control Conference [PDF]

(B7) Y. Chen* S. Trenn (2024), Solution concepts for linear piecewise affine differential-algebraic equations, accepted by IEEE Conference on Decision and Control [PDF]

C. Thesis

D. Working Papers

Y. Chen, S.Trenn, Stability and stabilization of state-dependent switched linear differential-algebraic equations [PDF]