On geometric and differentiation index of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations
We discuss two notions of index, i.e., the geometric index and the differentiation index for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). First, we analyze solutions of nonlinear DAEs by revising a geometric reduction method (see e.g. Rabier and Rheinboldt (2002),Riaza (2008)). Then we show that although both of the geometric index and the differentiation index serve as a measure of difficulties for solving DAEs, they are actually related to the existence and uniqueness of solutions in a different manner. It is claimed in (Campbell and Gear, 1995) that the two indices coincide when sufficient smoothness and assumptions are satisfied, we elaborate this claim and show that the two indices indeed coincide if and only if a condition of uniqueness of solutions is satisfied (under certain constant rank assumptions). Finally, an example of a pendulum system is used to illustrate our results on the two indices.
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