From Morse Triangular Form of ODE Control Systems to Feedback Canonical Form of DAE Control Systems


We relate the feedback canonical form FNCF of differential-algebraic controlsystems (DACSs) with the famous Morse canonical form MCF of ordinary differential equation control systems (ODECSs). First, a procedure called an explicitation (with driving variables) is proposed to connect the two above categories of control systems by attaching to a DACS a class of ODECSs with two kinds of inputs (the original control input u and a vector of driving variables v). Then, we show that any ODECS with two kinds of inputs can be transformed into itsextended MCF via two intermediate forms: the extended Morse triangular form and the extended Morse normal form. Next, we illustrate that the FNCF of a DACS and the extended MCF of the explicitation system have a perfect one-to-one correspondence. At last, an algorithm is proposed to transform a given DACS into its FBCF via the explicitation procedure and a numerical example is given to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

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